TOPS Browser - Cheat Sheet - Call Taking & Dispatch

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CallNew CallGreen +Add button from Call or Dispatch
CallEdit CallChoose the Call Actions Button - Bottom of Screen
CallVehicle ReleaseFind the Call, then Choose Actions and follow steps
CallUpdate Call InformationFind Call, then edit in the form. Some updates are through Actions
Add additional Trks/DrvrsFind call, then choose Actions; menu on the left
CallPlace back in DispatchIn Actions, Undo Lien if it exists, then place back in Dispatch Mode
CallCancel CallFind call, then choose Actions; menu on the left
CallSearchUse Quick Search (Top right); or the Call Form to Search

DispatchArranging the ScreenColumns and Filters at the top of each section
DispatchDispatch a CallUse the Actions or Map Icons on the left edge of the Call line
DispatchOpen a CallSingle Click the Call line
DispatchManually RefreshRefresh button at the top of each section
DispatchUpdate Dispatch TimesUse the Actions

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