Tow Tickets

Managing Tow Tickets

The process for managing tow tickets involves first opening all available tow tickets for the company then assigning them to the appropriate drivers. Tow Tickets can also be sub assigned to Lot locations if the company assigns tow tickets to drivers from multiple locations. Tow Tickets can also be sub assigned to TOPS Sub-Companies is specific sub-company tracking is desired. 

Tow Ticket management offers a one to one relationship between a driver and a call. As calls are worked and calls are assigned to drivers the system ensures the tow ticket matches with the selected driver for the call. If users try to use invalid or incorrectly assigned tow tickets, the system will not allow the user to continue without correcting the problem. This process ensures accountability throughout the process. 

 In summary the process for managing tow tickets is simple.

  • Open all tow tickets that can be assigned to drivers
  • If needed, assign open tow tickets to Lot locations or Sub Companies.
  • As tow tickets are given to drivers, assign individual or booklets of tow tickets to drivers
  • Manage tow tickets through the tow ticket screen or Tow Ticket Discrepancies report

Open New Tow Tickets

  1. From the Maintenance portion of TOPS, click the Tickets button.
  2. Click Open Tickets.
  3. In the How many tickets? field, enter how many tickets you need to open. Note - This is limited to 10,000 tickets at a time.
  4. In the Start with ticket number? field, enter the number of the first tow ticket to be open.
  5. If your Company utilizes an alpha character as a prefix to the numeric number, enter it in the Prefix field.
  6. Click the Process button. 

 Note: A pop-up message at the top right of the screen will indicate whether the attempt to open tickets was successful.


Assign tow tickets to a driver (or Lot)

  1. From the Maintenance portion of TOPS, click the Tickets button.
  2.  Click Assign Ticket to a driver.
  3.  In the Driver field select the appropriate driver from the list.
  4. In the How many tickets field, enter how many tickets you need to assign.
  5.  In the Start with ticket number field, enter the number of the first tow ticket to be assigned.
  6. If your Company utilizes an alpha character as a prefix to the numeric number, enter it in the Prefix field.
  7.  Click Process.

Note: A pop-up message at the top right of the screen will indicate whether the attempt to open tickets was successful. Follow the same process for assigning tow tickets to a Lot.


Search for used / open tickets

  1. From anywhere in the Tickets screen, click the Back to Tickets link at the top right.
  2. Using the advanced filter search, enter the search criteria to find the ticket(s) desired.
  3. Users can edit Ticket(s) after finding the ticket.
  4. The Tools link at the top right will return you to the main screen for opening and assigning tickets.


Voiding Tickets

  1. From the Maintenance portion of TOPS, click the Tickets button.
  2. Click Void tickets
  3. In the Reason field, enter aReason for voiding the ticket(s)
  4. In the How many tickets field, enter how many tickets you need to Void
  5. In the Start with ticket number field, enter the number of the first tow ticket to be Voided
  6. If your Company utilizes an alpha character as a prefix to the numeric number, enter it in the Prefix field.
  7. Click Process.

NOTE: A pop-up message at the top right of the screen will indicate whether the attempt to void tickets was successful.

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