What is a "Pager Email Address" on the Employee screen?

What is a "Pager Email Address" on the Employee screen?

The Pager email address field is used to specify the employees cellphone email address, this is used in conjunction with the Page buttons, as well as the auto page function available when assigning calls to drivers.  This can be used to send out text messages to individuals or groups of employees.

The phones email address is a combination of the owners phone number (with no dashes or space), the @ symbol and the extension for their wireless carrier.


For example:

Driver Josh, has an iPhone and his carrier is AT&T.  His pager email would be [email protected]

Driver Mike has an Android phone and his carrier is Verizon.  His pager email address would be [email protected].

You can check out this article for information on the main wireless carriers and their SMS gateway addresses: Wireless Carrier Email (SMS) Address List

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